Why I Don't Tell You What to Discard

My approach to home organization centers on rediscovering the self. By refreshing the home, we refresh the spirit. We reset priorities and regain a sense of who we are.

With home organization, we’re not only addressing physical clutter, but also emotional clutter, habits, systems, schedules, and more. All of these are manifestations of our priorities, what we’ve decided to make most important in our lives. Unfortunately, sometimes the values and goals we hold most dear are unconsciously deprioritized.

“By refreshing the home, we refresh the spirit. We reset priorities and regain a sense of who we are.”

When I work with a client in their home, we go on an expedition through their rooms to observe their piles of stuff in the wild, taking note of the aspirations, guilt, dreams, shame, goals, burdens, or joys these piles represent. So often piles represent dreams unrealized or obligations that we resent. Both translate back to our priorities: what do you wish you were doing? What do you wish you were NOT doing?

Our things represent our visions of our selves. Only we can decide for ourselves how our things either do or do not align with that vision, with our priorities. From our wardrobes to our garage tools, the things we decide to own and use speak to who we are and who we wish to become. If we dress and shop only to satisfy outer expectations of others in our lives, we're denying ourselves the opportunity for full expression.

Have you ever bought a trendy clothing item after seeing it all over instagram, magazines, and TV, only to never wear it? Have you been shopping with a friend, sister, or partner and bought something because they liked it on you, only to never wear it? Have you thought to yourself that you *should* read more books on XYZ, so you buy them, only to never read them?

For all of the above examples, they were purchases made in response to ideas that don't originate from you. They are other people's opinions about how you should live your life and present yourself. Adhering to someone else's idea of who we are is a quick way to lose ourselves, our goals, and our way. Our clutter is a symptom of this.

So that's why I won't tell you whether you look good in green or not. It's not helpful. Better to ask, "Does wearing green make me come alive? Do I feel like myself in green? Do I enjoy the color green?" If I told you what to throw away, that would be equivalent to me telling you what to care about and what to prioritize. Only you can decide those things! I want to help you uncover your true self and bring it out into the world! I want to see the outer manifestation of all the inner creativity you hold. Your self-expression is the ultimate success.

Imagine a life where you chose to be yourself. Where you are in tune with what you want. Where you know what your priorities are and you show up for them consistently. We can make it real! And transforming your home will help.